Half Life Machinima Wiki

The G-Man is a mysterious character throughout the Half Life series. He constantly watches the player and intervenes directly with their actions. He appears to be setting a large plot in motion, although at this time his motives are unknown. He appears in the machinima series "The G-Man Squad" and "Freeman's Mind". Keep in mind this is the official G-Man from the game, not the G-Man squad members. For information on them, click here.

In "Freeman's Mind "[]

Freeman occasionally runs across The G-man in "Freeman's Mind". He first sees him in the first episode, where he observes him ride in a train parralel to Freeman's. He again sees him in the second episode, where he sees the G-Man arguing with a scientist through sound-proof glass, and assumes the G-man is management. His 3rd appearance is in the 6th episode, where he is on a catwalk above Freeman. Freeman yells at him, asking if he is up there, but gets no response. In episode 10, he observes the G-Man through a window, and asks him to unlock the door. The G-man ignores him, and Freeman assumes it is because the window is a one way mirror. In episode 12, Freeman again observes the G-Man on a catwalk, and assumes he is the slave master of two scientists he has just met. He tries to meet him, but the G-Man is gone before he can confront him. In episode 33, he sees The G-Man on a catwalk on the other side of the room after turning on what he percieves to be "a giant nutcracker". He tries to talk to the G-Man but he walks away.

After Freeman defeats the Nihilanth he is approached by G-Man for a job proposition. Freeman believes G-Man to being with the CIA and is not too sure if he is up for the job. Regardless Freeman steps into the portal when G-Man gives him a choice to work for him or face death. In an after credits scene showing the alternative choice, Freeman orders G-Man to take him back to earth. G-Man, disappointed at Freeman turning down the offer, teleports him to a part of Xen full of monsters resembling the G-Man.

Around two decades later The G-Man releases Freeman from stasis and places him in the Combine ruled City 17. Freeman becomes frustrated following his arrival as G-Man failed to provide him with any orders on what he is meant to do. Later during Freeman's journey to Black Mesa East, he spots G-Man at an abandoned barn near the canals and follows him inside in an attempt to talk to him. Freeman fails to locate G-Man, so continues on with his journey.

In Felix's Mind[]

In an alternative universe to the Half-Life series, G-Man instead employs Gordon Freeman's twin brother Felix Freeman in an apparent mistake of identity. Similar to Gordon Felix is released from stasis two decades later in order to fight against the Combine. Following Felix killing earth administrator Wallace Breen, G-Man returns him to stasis. Felix is later removed from G-Man's employment much to the latter's frustration. G-Man isn't seen for the remainder of Felix's escape from City 17, presumably due to the vortigaunts keeping him away.

In "The G-man Squad"[]

The G-man first appears in the first episode, where he is seen talking with a scientist. The G-man Squad sees him through the window, who breaks through the glass and murders the scientist, sparing the G-man because they think he is cool, likely because they look like him. He appears again in Science, where the G-men attack him, only for it to do no damage, and they assume he is a robot.

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